There are always impurities and dust when grains and cereals are harvested, if the impurities are stored together with the grains and cereals, it will cause the grains and cereals to heat up and become moldy, also make the flow difficult when grains and cereals out of the warehouse, to a serious loss of grains and cereals. Therefore, before the grains putting into storage, it must be cleaned to screen out impurities and some dust in the grains. Our HZZD series multi-deck rotary cleaner can remove large and small particles of impurities in the grains and cereals, at the same time, the exhaust system extracts slight impurities such as dust in the grains. It is mainly used for cleaning and grading impurities (large and small impurities) in large-scale industries such as grain, flour milling, feed, rice milling, chemical industry, oil extraction, and wine making,etc.